Reducing Embodied Carbon

Learn how to analyze the carbon embodied in materials while keeping in mind operational carbon emissions, product quality and costs. In this course, we will look into analyzing and selecting materials to meet the objectives of designing with less impact on the environment. In addition to this, we will understand how to apply circular design strategies to improve construction and design with less impact.
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7 goal affordable and clean energy
9 goal industry innovation and infrastructure
11 goal sustainable cities and communities
13 goal climate action


April 30, 2023


6 weeks or customized

Delivery Method

Blended or customized + VR*


Experience the future of learning in our metaverse classroom, powered by VR

Why choose this course?

Position yourself at the forefront of a rapidly-evolving industry

Gain a competitive edge in your industry

Explore the latest strategies and technologies for sustainable materials management

Network confidently with your global industry peers

Foster creativity and promote innovation in your organization hub

Master design & implementation of sustainable materials management solutions

Drive policy change and transition towards sustainable materials management

Identify investment opportunities and capitalize on emerging trends

Support UAE and global agendas at COP28 and beyond

course topics

Gain knowledge and acquire new skills in Reducing Embodied Carbon through the following modules:

Sources of Embodied Carbon in Building Projects
Measuring and Evaluating Embodied Carbon
Strategies for Reducing Embodied Carbon
Techniques for Reducing Embodied Carbon
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key takeaways

On successful completion of this unit a participant should be able to:

Understand embodied carbon benchmarks and related terminologies

Decide on the goals and scope for embodied carbon assessment

Calculate embodied carbon for a construction project using different materials

Develop knowledge on interpreting the results and recognizing hotspots for improvements

Independently work on a project to calculate embodied carbon, interpret the results and provide recommendations for improvement.

Apply the SEE Integrated Systems Thinking™ to evaluating, exploring and developing effective solutions in a range of complex built-environment contexts

who is this course for?

Energy specialists


Civil engineers

Interior designers

Governmental professionals


Product designers

Sustainability consultants

course instructors

SEE Institute courses are created and delivered by the leading industry and education experts, who are at the forefront of sustainable change.   

Our faculty comprises experienced engineers who possess practical knowledge and skills for creating sustainable cities and are making headlines with their innovative perspectives.

By joining us, participants have the unique opportunity to learn from and network with our experts, gaining valuable insights and connections that can benefit their personal and professional growth.

Katarina Mladenovic

Program Manager

Katarina Mlandenovic is our experienced Program Manager responsible for continuously evolving our curriculum to anticipate future developments and innovation. She works closely with leading experts to expose students to diverse perspectives and uses unique innovation frameworks and strategies to help students move from concept to action, fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth. Go from ‘thinking' to 'doing' with Katarina's guidance and expertise. She manages programs with world-class faculty to provide students with the highest quality education.

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